Wouldn’t it be great if in 2020 BEING you is about doing less?
I’m not saying stop getting up and going to work, or to the gym, or taking your partner out on date nights – what I am saying is whatever you do BE there fully in order to flow and BE at your best.
It’s a bit like this…
I attended a fascinating lecture by Brazilian Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Flavio Gzybowski. Flavio, a hypnosis sceptic for years and who wised up, uses hypnosis as a tool to help patients increase recovery time from surgery.
How can a hypnotist increase the healing time of bones you might ask?
It’s simple – by encouraging patients to let go of stress associated with surgery such as financial implications, time off work, family commitments which puts pressure on their immune system, that in turn creates a barrier to the healing process. By releasing anxiety the patient is enabling their immune system to work efficiently.
This example is true in life generally perhaps.
By allowing ourselves to let go of stress, an experience we often generate from thoughts about expectations or perceived pressures from others, we can think more clearly, sleep more easily and perform at our best more of the time. Therefore, all those hours ruminating, stressing, worrying (which doesn’t change anything) can be traded in for being more focused, in FLOW and more present in both our personal and professional lives, increasing our effectiveness and freeing ourselves to be at our best more of the time.
Who knows, perhaps that 10 hour day could become a 6 hour day in 2020…when you slow down for success.
Book a free 20 minute consultation with Jess
Let’s have a chat and see how I can help you. Please email jess@jessicavassallo.com to arrange an appointment.
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